Imagine your team working less but more efficiently than ever.

It's possible to save your team 20% of its time without sacrificing revenue or productivity.

Curious about creating a four day workweek?

Stay in touch to learn more about saving your company 20% of its time. 
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Does it feel harder than ever to keep up?

If you're struggling to retain your rockstars or fighting to meet deadlines, you aren't alone. 

Trust us, we've been there. We were just like you. Working longer and longer hours but still not able to keep up with increasing demands from staff and clients. Everyone wanted more and our company was pulled in a million different directions. More meetings, more initiatives, less time to get it all done. 

Switching to a four day workweek felt counterintuitive. How can we improve performance and increase revenue if we're working 20% less? But maybe, just maybe, it would be crazy enough to work. 

It wasn't easy but it paid off. The stats speak for themselves. 

You can catch up. You can find balance. You can boost employee engagement. You can exceed your goals. You can get time back. 

We're on a mission to change workplace culture for good and here to help you along the way. 

After implementing a four day week we saw:


Increase in revenue


Increase in productivity


Employee satisfaction rating

The power of a four day week

Accomplish Goals

Build scalable systems to exceed company goals, all while giving employees an extra day back for their own personal achievements. 

Create Clarity and Focus

Say "no" to distractions and experience the power of an aligned workforce that is completely focused during work hours. 

Reduce Turnover

Avoid costly employee churn and retain your team's knowledge and expertise.

Attract Top Talent

Stand out in a competitive career landscape to hire the best and brightest.

Make an Impact

Improve employee well-being and reduce your carbon footprint, making a lasting impact on the world. 

Improve Efficiency

Eliminate, delegate, integrate, and automate to save your most valuable resource: time. 

How It Works

As a RevOps agency who went through this process ourselves, we're uniquely equipped to help businesses transition to working 20% less without sacrificing growth.

Here's the deal. We aren't saying you have to switch to a four day model. But wouldn't it be nice to save enough time that you could if you wanted to?

That's the goal. 

Step 1: Discovery and Road Map

We take a deep dive together into your current business structure, processes, team, and tech stack to figure out what's working and what isn't. During this phase we determine desired outcomes and then create a custom road map to achieve your workweek goals. 

Step 2: Infrastructure Implementation

We then move into implementing your custom Road Map. This includes steps like updating your tech stack, creating automations, and integrating systems all designed to gain efficiencies and reduce friction in your business' marketing, sales, and service.

Step 3: Training and Adoption

Change, even when it's for the better, can be tough. We work alongside your team to train them on new systems and processes, create buy-in, and even help you transition your clients to this new way of working together.

Along the way we're also developing executive level and granular reports so you can track key metrics for your business' growth.

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Knowing I have a 3 day weekend ahead means I'm more motivated and focused at work. Since we made the switch I have better work life balance and I honestly can't imagine working anywhere else. 
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Daniel Hullett
Junior Web Developer, Second Mile

Ready to take the first step?

Download a free tech stack audit and schedule your intro call. 